E-Watchman: Enlightened by Holy Spirit or Another Source?
Also see Robert King and Timothy Kline--Humble Truth Tellers or Masters of Deception? http://thetruthaboutthetruthaboutthetruth.blogspot.com/2005/09/robert-king-and-timothy-kline-humble.html
The truth about the truth: you may have heard this expression in connection with the insight that the person known as E-Watchman (E-W) has brought forth concerning Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watchtower Society (WTS). His impressive writings certainly show that he is an intelligent person and has vast knowledge of the Bible indeed. How did he get such enlightenment? Is he truly a ‘watchman’ of Jehovah sent forth to reveal the wrongdoings of the WTS and the ‘truth about The Truth’?
E-W’s Little Change
Here is how he was enlightened according to his own testimony in his commentary Are You Saying You are a Prophet?:
“Over the years, I have studied with many dozens of people and persuaded a fair number of them to become Jehovah's Witnesses. But, a few years ago I had an intense, life-altering spiritual experience that very few ofJehovah's Witnesses living today can relate to. For lack of a better term, Ibecame born again, as Jesus worded it. I refer to it as 'my little change.'
It was like reading the Bible for the first time. Everything seemed freshand new, as if, like Paul described, scales had fallen from my eyes, so asto see things in a new light. As a result, my awareness of my relationshipwith Jehovah and Jesus gradually changed.”
According to his own words he became born again or in the terminology of Jehovah’s Witnesses, anointed. And as a result he was able to see things in a ‘new light’. Lets examine some of his beliefs as a result of his ‘little change’.
New Light of E-W
Jehovah’s Witnesses as modern-day Israel--destined to fall and be restored according to Bible prophecy.
Many of their present and supposedly more advanced doctrinal beliefs, strictly formulated by the WTS on the more deeper matters of prophecy are incorrect and cannot be Biblically substantiated.
If its good, then Jerusalem represents God’s people. And if the context indicates bad, …Christendom…However, contrary to what the WTS says, Christendom has never claimed to bear God’s Personal Name, Jehovah.
The 1914 doctrine…an artfully contrived false story.
This Great War or sword is shortly to come upon us in our day and time. Yes, the much dreaded and feared WW III. Daniel calls this war: the war of the king of the north and the king of the south.
The WTS themselves are real experts at double talk.
The seven times spoken of in Daniel 4:16 ARE NOT the same as the Gentile Times spoken of in Luke 21.
The WTS want money, money, and more money.
Can we not deny that the WTS and its illustrious leaders are modern-day Pharisees?
Yes, the king of the North or small horn of Daniel Chapters 7 and 8 will be responsible for turning the 7 headed beast, against Jehovah’s Name people…
How can a living, breathing human draw close to an impersonal organization?
This description could fit only one people and they are JWs, as an organization! They are the only organization that can truly ‘receive’ an ‘operation of error.’
By causing the people to look to themselves and their organization as the real source of salvation and not to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. They have taken a position that rivals even Jehovah God in his own temple.
Yes, after examination of the facts, we would have to say that God’s people today have been undutiful in worshipping the presumed modern day channel of communication, the WTS, particularly with its Governing Body.
The WTS is now clearly saying that they will go through the Great Tribulation, virtually tribulation free.
It is also this same king (king of the North) overrunning the WTS and officially expropriating its properties such as the Patterson Estate, …
If you were to ask a JW if he expected such things to happen to the Society’s physical properties…he would no doubt be completely surprised! And his response? “…Jehovah is going to completely protect his people and His visible organization.
And so, the WT magazine…is placed on the same level, given parity and equal status, with God’s Word.
After the outbreak of this ‘Great War’, the WTS will undoubtedly expect this war to lead to the complete destruction of all governments…lead to the 1000-year reign of Christ Jesus and their deliverance. But not so.
A change in viewpoint concerning the UN—The September 8, 1991 Awake article on the UN is a miserable and totally untenable display of cowardice!
Unfaithfulness is quite evident on the part of the WTS in the publication of this article!
Prostitution or spiritual adultery is definitely involved in the unfaithful leaders of this organization who dwell in Brooklyn Heights, selling out truth for ease of life…
Is it any wonder… that the Bible speaks of them (the WTS) as the villainous ‘Man of Lawlessness…’?
Modern Baalism expressed today (by the WTS).
Have they taken God’s Word the Bible and translated it into numerous languages for the peoples of the world to read? NO! They have instead, used the MEPS system to increase their WT and other moneymaking literature circulation.
42 months will afford him (the Devil) and the beast under his control, a free hand with God’s name people.
Yes, Jehovah wants a humble people. He wants people who refrain from speaking lies or false doctrines like the 1914 dogma, or the false chronologies that contradict His own Word the Bible. Such lies have no place upon the mouth of a people or nation that represents Jehovah.
Clearly, JWs, under the lawyer-like direction of the WTS have indeed acquired a tricky tongue.
Many have been disfellowshipped …for bringing such corrective information to the fore. This has instilled fear in many.
Jehovah is going to take away its (WTS) hedge and break down its wall.
The book entitled—The Report
Anyone who has read his essays and commentaries are familiar with and will certainly recognize his beliefs above. But did you realize that the above quotes are surprisingly not from E-W. They are from the book, The “Report”—Jehovah’s Witnesses As Modern-Day Israel-Destined to “Fall” and be “Restored” According to Bible Prophecy. The similarities are astonishing. In reading the book I felt I was reading the very writings of E-W. So the question to be considered is: is this book just a plagiarism of E-W’s writings?
Amazingly, no it is not. The book was published and copyrighted in 1994 by TWMC, before E-W came forth with his ‘new light’. We have to wonder who indeed is the plagiarist? Is E-W’s enlightenment really from his ‘little change’ or was it obtained from another source, namely, The Report?
You might find most interesting a question ask of E-W in his Mailbag: August 22-28, 2004.
“I have two questions: 1) Are you familiar with a book written by Timothy White titled "A People for his Name?" If so, what are your views on this work? 2) Several years ago I received a portion of a write-up from an organization calling itself "TWMC" from somewhere in Florida. I ask this because your views appear to mirror many of their views. Are you familiar with, or associated with, them?”
E-W’s reply: “No. I am not familiar or associated with either Timothy White or the TWMC.”
Is his reply honest and is it merely a coincidence that his ‘new light’ was a mirror image of The Report book by TWMC? Or is he a fraud with something to hide? Is he simply trying to give the appearance of a ‘watchman’ with insight from Jehovah to deceive unwary Jehovah’s Witnesses in order to promote his real hidden agenda? If he received the ideas for his ‘new light’ from this book, why not just admit it and give credit where credit is due? Indeed just what is the truth about this enlightened, self-proclaimed ‘watchman’ of Jehovah?
Is E-W a Plagiarist and a Liar?
The E-Watchman is a talented writer; of this there is no doubt. He is intelligent and would certainly not be stupid enough to be caught plagiarizing. But is it possible that he would cleverly copy the words of The Report but disguise it by inserting a few words here and there, change the sentence structure, or replace one word with a word of similar meaning. Lets examine some quotes from both The Report and from E-W to find out the answer. (Quotations from The Report are in blue. E-W Quotes are in red)
Concerning Ezekiel 43:7-9 The Report page 163 says: The Society has misused and abused their authority, and have, as it were, ‘placed their threshold with Jehovah’s threshold and their doorpost beside Jehovah’s doorpost.” They have, by their actions, asserted equal status with Jehovah in his own ‘temple’ arrangement!
Watchman from his MailBag: July 6, 2003: The placing of our threshold and doorpost next to Jehovah's own threshold and doorpost may find a parallel today in that Jehovah's Witnesses have exalted Bethel and the Watchtower Society to the lofty place right next to Jehovah's own abode, as it were.
The similarities:
The Society Jehovah's Witnesses has misused and abused their authority, and have, as it were, as it were ‘placed their threshold with Jehovah’s threshold and their doorpost beside Jehovah’s doorpost.” placing of our threshold and doorpost next to Jehovah's own threshold and doorpost They have, by their actions, asserted equal status with Jehovah's Witnesses have exalted Bethel and the Watchtower Society to the lofty place right next to Jehovah's own abode Jehovah in his own ‘temple’ arrangement!
Concerning the Man of Lawlessness The Report p. 169 says, Therefore, they teach that the ‘man of lawlessness’ does not preside over the ‘temple’ of The God as the scriptures plainly say, but rather he presides over an ‘apostate temple of The God, namely Christendom’ Now what do you think about that?
The Apostasy Comes First essay by watchman: Amazingly, the Watchtower says that the man of lawlessness does not really seat himself down in the actual spiritual temple of "The God," as Paul clearly states; but rather, according to the Watchtower, the man of lawlessness only falsely claims to occupy God's temple. Why the obvious contradiction?
The similarities:
Therefore, they teach that the Watchtower says that the ‘man of lawlessness’ does not preside over the man of lawlessness does not really seat himself down the ‘temple’ of The God in the actual spiritual temple of "The God," as the scriptures plainly say, as Paul clearly states but rather he presides over an ‘apostate temple of The God, namely Christendom’ but rather, according to the Watchtower, the man of lawlessness only falsely claims to occupy God's temple. Now what do you think about that? Why the obvious contradiction?
Concerning the September 8,1991 Awake:
The Report p.205 says,
This was a very unusual article published by the Watch Tower Society indeed. Did you notice this while reading the article yourself? “The article actually insinuated to over 11 million readers, that the United Nations political organization may be able to bring about their accomplished goal of world peace. You may be saying: “How did the article do that?” It was by skillful and adroit use of noncommittal, cryptic and ambiguous statements …”
Watchman essay,
The Watchtower and the UN: What Is the Truth?:
Unquestionably, the September 8th, 1991, Awake was a noticeable departure from the Society’s previous writings on the UN. The concluding paragraph on page 10 typifies the ambiguous double-speak, which was obviously cleverly crafted to leave uninformed readers with the impression that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe, perhaps like the UN-promoting Bahai faith, that the United Nations is an instrumentality of God to bring peace.The similarities:
This was a very unusual article published by the Watch Tower Society indeed. Unquestionably, the September 8th, 1991, Awake was a noticeable departure from the Society’s previous writings on the UN. Did you notice this while reading the article yourself? “The article actually insinuated to over 11 million readers, The concluding paragraph on page 10 typifies-- leave uninformed readers with the impression that the United Nations political organization may be able to bring about their accomplished goal of world peace. that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe, perhaps like the UN-promoting Bahai faith, that the United Nations is an instrumentality of God to bring peace.” You may be saying: “How did the article do that? It was by skillful and adroit use which was obviously cleverly crafted of noncommittal, cryptic and ambiguous statements the ambiguous double-speak …
The Report on same page:
The September 8, 1991 Awake magazine, in an article dealing with the United Nations, never mentioned God’s Kingdom or any scripture of the Bible to present God’s view of man’s efforts to bring about true peace and security on his own. …Individuals reading this may get the idea that the U.N. is within reach of bringing about this ‘peace for the world.’… no where is there one single scripture mentioned in the entire article!*
Another quote from watchman in the same essay:
In fact, there was not even a single word about how God’s kingdom is going to replace all existing kingdoms on earth. Instead, the Awake spoke hopefully of the possibility that a retooled UN might actually succeed in bringing a measure of peace and security to a war-weary world. Putting them together:
The September 8, 1991 Awake magazine, in an article dealing with the United Nations, never mentioned God’s Kingdom not even a single word about how God’s kingdom or any scripture of the Bible to present God’s view of man’s efforts to bring about true peace and security on his own. is going to replace all existing kingdoms on earth. …Individuals reading this may get the idea that the U.N. is within reach of bringing the Awake spoke hopefully of the possibility that a retooled UN might actually succeed in bringing about this ‘peace for the world.’ , a measure of peace and security to a war-weary world. … no where is there one single scripture In fact, there was not even a single word mentioned in the entire article!
The Report page 208: Could the article mislead people who are unfamiliar with Jehovah’s Witnesses’ beliefs giving them the impression that the Witnesses are in favor of the United Nations?
Watchman in the same essay: Awake magazine published a baffling piece that seemed intended to give the unwary reader the impression that Jehovah’s Witnesses actually endorsed the political objectives of the United Nations.
Putting the two together:
Could the article mislead people who are unfamiliar with Jehovah’s Witnesses’ beliefs Awake magazine published a baffling piece that seemed intended to give the unwary reader giving them the impression the impression that the Witnesses are in favor of the United Nations? that Jehovah’s Witnesses actually endorsed the political objectives of the United Nations
The Report p. 208: Now, why does the reader need to ‘ask Jehovah’s Witnesses’ in his ‘neighborhood for more details?’ …There was ample room for the article to provide the all-important ‘details’ concerning Bible prophesy and the U.N. wasn’t there? But instead, the writers of the article deferred.
Watchman continues: If the reader were to actually follow the Awake magazine’s suggestion and ask one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in their neighborhood "for more details on this matter," surely they would find out that the exciting developments we except have to do with the United Nations fulfilling its role as the prophetic 8th king of Revelation the 17th and 18th chapters. But why didn’t the Awake writers simply say that?
Putting them together:
Now, why does the reader need to ‘ask Jehovah’s Witnesses’ in his ‘neighborhood for more details?’ If the reader were to actually follow the Awake magazine’s suggestion and ask one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in their neighborhood "for more details on this matter," …There was ample room for the article to provide the all-important ‘details’ concerning Bible prophesy and the U.N. wasn’t there? surely they would find out that the exciting developments we except have to do with the United Nations fulfilling its role as the prophetic 8th king of Revelation the 17th and 18th chapters. But instead, the writers of the article deferred. But why didn’t the Awake writers simply say that?
As respects baptismal questions being changed:
The Report page 164-5, Could the individual be, perhaps, dedicated jointly to Jehovah and the ‘spirit directed’ organization??? The implications are serious! You be the judge of that!
E-W in Hosea: A Timely Message for Jehovahs Witnesses: Is it a trivial matter before heaven that persons desiring to dedicate themselves to Jehovah and Jesus are required to also publicly declare that they belong to the Watchtower organization? Each reader can decide for themselves.
Putting them together:
Could the individual be, perhaps, dedicated jointly to Jehovah and the ‘spirit directed’ organization??? that persons desiring to dedicate themselves to Jehovah and Jesus are required to also publicly declare that they belong to the Watchtower organization? The implications are serious! Is it a trivial matter before heaven You be the judge of that! ? Each reader can decide for themselves.
Concerning Israel, in connection with the Covenant, representing JW's, not Christendom:
The Report, page 53: Lets reason upon this: It would certainly make more sense to believe that these prophecies could only apply to one Jerusalem, one people, Jehovah's Witnesses--the true Israel of God. Really , the only people, who have the real capacity to leave the Holy Covenant are the people who are in the Holy Covenant with Him, right??? And Jehovah's Witnesses say that they are the only people, truly, in the New Covenant with Jehovah. For remember, Christendom is not in any Holy Covenant with Jehovah God whatsoever, are they??? What is more, the Israel in question mentioned in prophecy could only represent, and we repeat only represent, the Israel of God that has been covenanted to Him in marriage.
E-W essay, The Watchtower as an NGO: Let us use our powers of reason to ask a few pertinent questions here. First, how may one act wickedly against a covenant unless they are actually one of the parties in the covenant? For example, in Bible times, of all the nations on earth, only Israel was in a covenant with Jehovah God. That being the case, only they could act wickedly against the covenant. Nowhere in the Hebrew Scriptures do we read that Egypt , Moab , or Ammon, or any other nation, acted wickedly against the covenant. Yes, only the Hebrews could, and did, act against the covenant that they were contractually bound to obey. How then could Christendom act against the new covenant unless they were actually in such a covenant to begin with? Since Christ instituted the new covenant with his little flock, it is only anointed Christians that can act wickedly against the covenant by apostatizing from it.
The similarities:
Lets reason upon this: Let us use our powers of reason to ask a few pertinent questions here. It would certainly make more sense to believe that these prophecies could only apply to one Jerusalem, one people, Jehovah's Witnesses--the true Israel of God. For example, in Bible times, of all the nations on earth, only Israel was in a covenant with Jehovah God. Really , the only people, who have the real capacity to leave the Holy Covenant are the people who are in the Holy Covenant with Him, right??? First, how may one act wickedly against a covenant unless they are actually one of the parties in the covenant? And Jehovah's Witnesses say that they are the only people, truly, in the New Covenant with Jehovah. Since Christ instituted the new covenant with his little flock, it is only anointed Christians that can act wickedly against the covenant by apostatizing from it. For remember, Christendom is not in any Holy Covenant with Jehovah God whatsoever, are they??? How then could Christendom act against the new covenant unless they were actually in such a covenant to begin with? What is more, the Israel in question mentioned in prophecy could only represent, and we repeat only represent, the Israel of God that has been covenanted to Him in marriage. Yes, only the Hebrews could, and did, act against the covenant that they were contractually bound to obey.
In connection with the lack of humility shown by the WTS. Both of these comments precede a quote of Zephaniah the third chapter about a tricky tongue and haughty attitude:
The Report, page 294: How can we as Jehovah's people, expect Jehovah to continue to put up with a people that clearly twist His words to attempt to uphold a faulty doctrine, namely that of 1914, as concocted by the WTS?
E-W MailBag: March 29, 2003: Worst of all, the Watchtower has trickily twisted the prophecies to mislead Jehovah's Witnesses to believe that Jehovah could not be more pleased with us. That, of course, is a lie!
The similarities:
How can we as Jehovah's people, Worst of all, the Watchtower expect Jehovah to continue to put up with a people to believe that Jehovah could not be more pleased with us that clearly twist has trickily twisted His words the prophecies to attempt to uphold a faulty doctrine, namely that of 1914 to mislead Jehovah's Witnesses as concocted by the WTS? That, of course, is a lie!
While we might accept that one or two sentences might coincidentally be very similar or almost exact in both E-W’s essays and The Report, what are the chances of it happening this many times? And to be sure there are more examples not here shown. We can only conclude that either he is the author of the book or that he has merely copied the ideas and sentences of the book, but either way he has lied about his knowing of TWMC. We have to wonder why would a person go to such great pangs to hide his connection with this book called The Report by TWMC?
Who is Really Guilty of Double Speak?
Anyone familiar with E-W’s writings are well aware of his scathing denunciations against the WTS for what he perceives as blatant lies and double speak. But it now becomes apparent that E-W cannot himself hold up under such scrutiny as being any different from his characterization of the WTS. But there is more.
Here is a quote from E-W, from his MailBag: December 8, 2002, concerning the need to stay in the organization of JWs and not speak up out about ‘the truth about The Truth’.
"Now, ask yourself, if I preach my views to the congregation, even if I am totally convinced of the rightness of my position, what will be the likely outcome? Will it result in the congregation being built up and encouraged, or will it result in dissension, resentment, needless struggle and debate? If you will honestly supply yourself the answer to that question you should be empowered to know the right course to take."
In fact, this is the one of the few areas where he seems to differ in his beliefs from the book discussed above. But is this mere double speak? Is this truly the attitude he has encouraged and displayed?
Most of you reading this are probably well aware that he himself has not followed his own advice. According to his own claims he was disfellowshipped from the congregation of JWs for just that very thing. As a result many have followed the example of this so-called watchman of Jehovah. And often times you will find him praising ones who have stood up and been disfellowshipped for speaking out against the perceived lies and wrongdoings of the WTS. Here is a quote from E-W in the thread, Accurate Disclosure in Line with Truth:
“In a perfect world the Watchtower would admit that it has wrongfully disfellowshipped countless truth-tellers for the sole reason that they refused to peddle Bethel's lies in the name of Jehovah.”
And now he is conducting a campaign to distribute his new book. He is encouraging anyone wanting a copy to buy several copies of the book in order to distribute them to their family and friends, Circuit and District Overseers, Bethelites, and others. For persons unable to buy books he is encouraging each one to email friends and acquaintances and tell them about his web site. Has the time now come to speak out boldly in the congregation about ‘the truth about The Truth’ thus showing his true agenda? Is this the time in his view to go therefore, and make disciples, teaching them to observe all the things E-W has commanded? Or is this just another example of the double talk we have come to see in E-W?
Here is another example of such double talk found on his site called the Paradise Café (PC). The rules of the home page clearly state:
“Anyone who persistently argues that Jehovah’s Witnesses are not the true faith will be warned and perhaps banned (this includes the idea that the anointed are in Christendom and/or Christendom is acceptable to God).”
Has this proved to be true? All one has to do is read the past threads posted at the PC. Many of us have lived it. Who is it that is banned from the PC? Those who defend JWs or those who make such comments as
“What makes you think JW's are the "true" religion? Unfortunately, I have some very bad, terrible news for you: JW's are not the "true" religion.”
“I personally don't believe that anyone can be truly happy being a slave to an organization, a hypocritical one at that. Let the accusations fly, I have conviction in what is reasonable and makes sense, not in what a cult, and that's what it is my friends, tells me that god requires of me” (said concerning the WTS).
“Why do different annointed brothers and sisters have different views on things? The annointed ones that I have met all agreed, ironically without actually knowing each other. However they did not claim any religion their own, as well as all of them keep the 10 commandments without exception. This seems to be one of requirement for the saints as outlined in Revelation… They stay clear of religion.”
As you might imagine we could go on and on but hopefully this will suffice. Persons making these statements remain in good standing. Others defending JWs have been banned from the site. The history there speaks for itself. The rules are not really applied at all. Instead, ironically, it is just the opposite.
That same home page at the PC declares:
“…JW’s are welcome to try and defend the Watchtower’s NGO partnership with the UN…”
Yet when certain ones defended the WTS on the UN/NGO matter what happened? They were banned and one of the administrators in the thread Supporting the Society's NGO apostasy made the following statement:
“Support for the Watchtower's APOSTASY will not be discussed here anymore. Anyone who supports their obvious, blant, apostasy will be ban. It is disgusting and appauling the amount of hypocrisy in this matter. If someone wants to call us OPPOSERS of the WT for believing that it is apostasy thats find but the Watchtower has become opposers of God kingdom by supporting the anti-kingdom, Satans kingdom. Will they escape judgment? No the won't.”
And still the home page says “…JW’s are welcome to try and defend the Watchtower’s NGO partnership with the UN…” This is and remains a glaring example of the double speak of E-W.
Another example, one poster at the PC recently raised this question in the same thread mentioned earlier, Accurate Disclosure in Line with Truth:
“There is alot of discussion here on the DB of how important truth is. Would it be appropriate to clearly disclose on the front page of eWatchman and this DB that they are run by disfellowshiped individuals? I believe there are a variety of JW's that show up here and see that "this is a discussion board for JW's" and don't know that the owners of this place and many of it's participants are disfellowshipped. This may be important to many JW's, while inconsequential to others. Would this be the right and truthful thing to clearly disclose?”
Yes, the ones running the site are disfellowshipped and are no longer in good standing in the organization of JWs and yet this fact is suspiciously missing from the home page of the PC. What about the all-important truth that is supposed to be championed by E-W and his cohorts?
And we will give one final example. Anyone has always been able to post links to other sites at the PC. All kinds of apostate links have appeared and been made available for anyone who chooses to read them. But recently someone posted a link to Al’s Future Judgment site, http://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk. It was immediately removed. Why? Is it because some at that site have learned the truth about E-W and he is trying to hide that truth? The administration at the PC came forth with the reason why the link was removed found here, What's going on??
“The site has been moved to a new domain, and it is the obligation of that person to assume expenses involved with making the public aware of it--not the obligation of this board. I am sorry if they mishandled their own obligations, but that doesn't mean that we have to carry them, either. You might try Google.com or Yahoo.com and searching for the site in question.”
“Advertising other Witness-related sites using the board's facilities will no longer be allowed. If people want to provide such links, then they will need to do so OUTSIDE of this board and site."
“In any event, a board announcement that was going to be posted before this all began anyhow has now been posted. It will hopefully explain why the change seemed necessary,…”
Ah, suddenly and by coincidence links are no longer allowed. But was this really the truth? Had this already been decided before the link to Al’s site had been posted? Later, notice a different explanation given by E-W himself.
Setting the Record Straight“Apparently Al wanted to distance himself from e-watchman so he recently bought his own domain and the old domain no longer pointed to his site. Timothy was never informed of the change nor was he asked to redirect the old domain name. At this time, though, it became apparent to me that Al’s board has become a launching pad for attacks against me so I instructed Timothy not to redirect the old domain to Al’s site. That’s it. There is no conspiracy. No ill intent. I just don’t feel obligated to maintain the connection to Al’s site any more.”
The truth comes out. Notice that the latter reason contradicts the original reason given. The link was obviously removed because E-W views the site as ‘a launching pad for attacks’ against him. The policy was apparently invented after the link to Al’s site was posted. Lies and double speak? So it would appear.
And what did Al, the owner of the Future Judgment site, have to say about what the administration at the PC had written? You will find the following quote on the thread Censorship at the Future Judgment Research Board:
“What upsets me a little bit is that they make out as if it is my fault that people cannot find the new domain.
It's not fair, I didn't switch off the jehovahsjudgment.com address -- e-Watchman and the Paradise Cafe administrator switched it off.
You see, the address was bought and owned by e-Watchman as a gift for me. Around the time I put a link to 3W's site on my site, the domain was switched off by them (may be a coincidence, I dunno).
I bought a back-up domain, the .co.uk one, a week-or-so earlier as I feared what people were saying about e-Watchman was true, and what they said might happen now that I was reconsidering e-Watchman's interpretation of the UN scenario. As it turns out, I've changed my mind back and forth several times about the UN thing anyway.
I had barely been redirecting visitors to the new domain for a day when e-Watchman and his webmaster turned the .com domain off... all without a single word of warning to me. Since then they've banned any links to my new address.
This has also forced me to change my e-mail address. They now have effective control of my old address. It's just lucky that I didn't use that address as my contact details for my webhost or anything - they would then have the power to reset my passwords or even disable to the current site at its new address, if they wanted to.
I've been told that Tim (the Cafe admin) said, when asked why the .com address didn't work anymore, "It is the responsibility of the person that maintains that site's content to notify visitors and regulars of any changes in accessing the site, not ours,"
This implies that the reason the .com address isn't redirecting visitors is my fault! This is unfair. He is the person who deliberately turned it off, stopping it from redirecting visitors.
Quite frankly I am stunned by such behaviour. I feared they may try to shut me down... but I was still shocked when they actually did it.
In addition, I have logged at least two failed attempts to hack into the new website, starting on the very day the .co.uk domain was set up and started receiving visitors. Since only people from the Cafe really know about this place, I'm going to assume it is some sort of zealot from there doing it. I can not say who because I don't know.”
What reason does Al have for lying about the whole thing? What does he stand to gain? Who really is the master at double speak?
Enlightened Watchman or lying charlatan?
E-W once imparted words of wisdom in his MailBag: November 24, 2002,
"Jesus once said that those who are well do not need a physician but those who are ill do. Since most of Jehovah's Witnesses are not spiritually ill, why should you want to force down their throats a dose of medicine that they do not need? Shall we first cause our brother to have doubts just so we can save him from his doubts? Do you imagine that you know what is best for the millions of Jehovah's Witnesses who are serving God the only way they know how? My observation is that those who insist on telling Jehovah's Witnesses "the truth about the truth" don't know the truth themselves and are not really capable of imparting to Jehovah's Witnesses anything having to do with faith."
He now himself insists on forcing "down their throats a dose of medicine" to JWs who are not "spiritually ill" by the release and distribution of his new book. Therefore by his own words above he condemns himself as being one who "don't know the truth" himself and is "not really capable of imparting to Jehovah's Witnesses anything having to do with faith." When did his reasoning change? Was it when he sucked in so many followers so that an effective campaign to distribute his book could be carried out?
Who is E-Watchman? Is he a recently disfellowshipped witness who spoke up about the NGO matter and was thus removed from the congregation? Or was he disfellowshipped long ago? Exactly what is his connection with TWMC? Some have even suggested that he is somehow associated with The True Faith ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Association of Romania. While I have no personal evidence of this, one thing is certain: we cannot rely on E-Watchman to provide us with truthful answers.
But in view of the foregoing we can now better answer the following questions accurately? Is the E-Watchman a true watchman of Jehovah enlightened by His holy spirit to bring forth the ‘truth about The Truth’? Or is he a deceitful and lying charlatan, posing as an angel of light, trying to mislead the faithful in a sinister scheme for his own personal reasons? In the words of E-Watchman and the book, The Report, that he is so fond of parroting, each reader can decide for themselves and you be the judge of that!
*no where is there one single scripture mentioned in the entire article! This quote is from page 211 of The Report.
Compare with volume turned on.
http://jehovah-has-become-king.com/ http://livingwatersforum.com/report1.html